Thursday, January 21, 2010

damn you nick

its 10:01, and tomorrow i have a history exam.
cassie and paula came over, and the whole point was to study.
but that didnt happen of course...
they showed up at my house, and then we went to subway
then we came to my house
then we sat around in a the dark... using lighters
and we played truth or dare.
pretty interesting i might say
apparently having a jungle will get you laughed at -_-
sooo today, at lunch, i realized i am very light weight.
and getting high with inga is bad.
cause she'll get you embarassed.
and i saw you know who.
he seriously fuckin hates me. and his girlfriend too.
he didnt even look at me, lol
i realllllly need to get over this boy, like its been a year?
and we were dealing for a week..
but seriously, when i try to, its hard. like everywhere i go
its either i see him, or someone talks about him, or i dont even know.
he started talking to me like 2 weeks ago, first time since like september...
and you know, he said a couple of things, that made me remember.
we werent anything special, but i realllly liked him, and i still kinda do.
which bothers me.
but you know, atleast hes happy with cross-eyed russian dead hair yellow
teeth girl, nbd :)
"hes only with her cause they always fuck"
p.s. never trust paula and cassie to "draw" a tattoo on your back -_-
I NEED TO GET OVERRRRRRRR HIM, someone wanna get me a guy :D
but i still like him, dammit.
if he stopped talking to me, it would be fine.
oh, and if he moved to hawaii.
sooo, tomorrow, im hanging out with inga, paula, and cassie? or inga, andra
and cynthia? i dont even know.
my moms away, so they think they can run shit at my house.
btw, paulas a spazz, like my back has bruises, and i think a broken rib, nbd.
love you paula <3 no joke...
thats about it, hastalavista senor!

Monday, December 28, 2009

hello earthlings
christmas came and went, so heres the list of things i got from the man with the white beard;
- my own phone for my own room :D
- an edward cullen poster? WTF, I WANTED JACOB
- $100
- $25 gift card to cineplex -_-
thats it....
what i wanted;
- james franco (L)
- an interview from tim hortons, I NEED A JOBBBBBBBB
- clothes, clothes, clothes...
- pineapple express ;)
- & a shark
THATS ALL, like its nothing
anywayssssss, i spent time with the familia, had a wonderful dinner, AND IT FUCKIN SNOWED, I WAS SO FUCKIN HAPPY, LIKE SANTA ANSWERED MY WISHES :D
i didnt go shopping on boxing day -_- what can you buy with $100?
ive been staying home this whole time since the winter break, till YESTERDAY, went with wysocki to apply for timmy's! ahem, 2 timmy's, THEY HAVE TO CALL ME, I WALKED IN THE FREEZING JUST TO APPLY
then i went with wysocki and her mafia familia to JAPAN BUFFET, never eating asian food again, liek i couldnt understand a word they were saying plus you had to fill out an order?
yeah, so thats it :D I NEED A JOB
p.s. i love inga, and i miss her (L)

Monday, December 14, 2009

it eats you away, and takes you away, rips you apart, its corrosive and painful
you can't stop it, however you can conquer it, pretending you know it's gonna
be alright. i hate it, and you hate it, but you laugh.
"it's a joke to her. she's still laughing. am i really that amusing to watch?
fine, let me slip away, let me fall, let me fuckin cry, i don't give a shit.
i know, one day, i'll be laughing at her."
because i hate the way i look

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

im backkkkkkkkkkk-katie (knock on wood)

its been a while, considering the last time i wrote was a month and a half ago.
there isnt much.
report cards- 82% average betches :) my mama was so proud of me, she cried and my dadday called all of his 10 siblings, i was like, please..stop, no need ;)
um me and inga made up some nick names for some people, which is such a grade 8 thing to do, but its just so funny, its a whole fuckin fruit basket :D theres apple, mango, banana, strawberry, and watermelon :) but we stopped with that cause we realized how gay it really is...
anywaysssss, i moved to ingas locker, in the football hallway cause theres more guys, and paula always smells like weed... but its not "permanent" apparently, cause paula will fuckin eat me if i dont come back to her locker. LIKE SHUTUP, I FUCKIN GET IT.
so October was aiight, INGAS BIRFDAY. it was soo fun :) we went roller skating, and then we stalked some guy cause he looked like this mexican boy, and my zipper broke cause im a fatass, and then i slept over at ingas house, FOR THE FIRST TIME :O her parents just love me (a) i swear to God we were high, like we were doing this whole CHARLAY the unicorn thing, and we were sleep deprived, but it felt good, and i slept beside her. she made me lesbian :( KIDDING. actually, she was the one who was too close to me...
but yeah, and i stayed at her house for like 36 hours, cause my mom came and her mom and my mom had a tea partay, and it was just so wierd. OH inga gave me a late birthday present, a beautiful sweater that shes jealous of, but now she has a purty sweater, that cost $70 -_- wth. and then like the week after, we watched paranormal activity, i swear to God, I SWEARTA GOD, i almost died, well the first time i watched it. i had to sleep at ingas house again, and i was like on top of her, cause her computer kept flickering and we thought katie was there.
then there was halloween, we went to this faggots party, it was so gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
i just wanted katie to come and kill me (knock on wood) but me and inga and andra SMOKED A JUNT, bahahahaha, kidding. we're not cool enough to do drugs :(
plus sentence im a depressed child, i think i should go to EC.
poland this summer :) without my parents :) alone :) boys :)
im such a fuckin teenager, it pisses me off sometimes.
i just HATE my life :D
plus sentence, i wanna go to 2gage for spacers but then my mother will disown me :(
plus sentence x2 i love it how everythings about inga :D
plus sentence x3 i love cassie faria, but shes a bully, i wouldve given her my braclet but then she broke my legs, neck and elbows :(

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

this fuckin ruined my day.

Mich. rock group Chiodos, lead singer split (Detroit News) ( - September 24, 2009Michigan-based rock group Chiodos has parted ways with its lead singer, Craig Owens.

R.I.P chiodos.

i'll remember your beautiful blue eyes craig owens.
i'll remember the first time i listened to your music
i'll remember the first song i listened to: all nerieds beware
baby you wouldn't last a minute on this creek <3

fuck, chiodos will never be the same without craig. love you.

Baby you wouldn't last a minute on this creek (L)
Let's just stop,
drop everything,
(forget each other's names) forget each other's names,
And just walk away.
Turn around and head in different directions,
Like we never, it's like we never knew each other at all.
We said what we feel, then we stop ourselves,
And just walk away.
Never looking back,
Loving every second of it,we just walk away.
This is probably the best,
not to mention the worst idea,
that I have ever had.
Ignoring what we've felt,
Overlooking what we've done,
No awkward silences, no hiding any truths
Ignoring what we've felt,
Overlooking what we've done,
What do you say?
This is probably the best,
not to mention the worst idea,
that I have ever had.
We say what we feel,
Then we stop ourselves,
And just walk away.
Never looking back,
Loving every second of it,
We just walk away.
Let's just stop,
Drop everything,
Forget each other's names,
Can we please just walk away?
It could be...It could be...
Like we never knew each other at all.
Answer me!
All egos aside, what do you say?
All egos aside, what do you say?
Ignoring what we've felt,
Overlooking what we've done,
No awkward silences, no hiding any truths
Ignoring what we've felt,
Overlooking what we've done,
What do you say?
We say what we feel,
Then we stop ourselves,
And just walk away.
Never looking back,
Loving every second of it,
We just walk away.

Craig Owens, you sexy mothafucka

"I'm not the one that you want, i'll only let you down." - intensity in ten cities. line 10.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

school is easy.
no more dramalama.
i like a boy.
i might be getting a call for a job at supastore.
im a fatassssss.
i want another pet puppy.
i have to buy my hamster an exercise wheel.
i fell in love with chiodos again.
i think i might be depressed again.
i wish a boy can fall in love with me.
i cant look at other peoples' pictures anymore.
im 15.
i'll be getting an ipod touch soon.
i want my long hair back.
thanksgivings coming up.
my english teacher's pissing me off.
recession's a bitch.
one of my best friend's moved to vancouver.
i miss `sauga, but i cant stand it at the same time.
has been 6 months since i last drank.
i hate ec kids.
i want to get my hips pierced.
i cant wait till high schools done.
seeing couples makes me sad.
ive decided i want to be a cop when i grow up.
i have an obsession with guys and their muscles.
i need to go shopping and buy those yellow converse.
i fuckin hate emo kids to the point it makes me wanna cut myself.
i hate the fact that banana has to give me the shitiest look of life, it doesnt make me feel any better cause i know im a damn idiot.

Beautiful Blue Eyes: Chiodos (L)

This happiness surpasses me.
Just running up and down my spine
Whenever I'm around you
My smile beings to shine.

The love I feel for you
Is quite hard for anyone to find.
You're the one that I want to
Wake up next to,
And just give us
Your beautiful blue eyes.

Please never, ever leave me.
Just stay right here,
Always by my side.

Your beauty radiates
Just like the sun.
When I'm around you,
I tend to lose my breath.
There's no doubt
That you're the one.
Your great smile makes me feel alive.
Your flawless personality,
Combined with your godly looks,
Makes you more than perfect.

Please never, ever leave me.
Just stay right here,
Always by my side.

Please never, ever leave me.
Just stay right here,
Always by my side.